Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Sad Reminder

Terror has many, many faces...

Today is the 11th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Last year, I traveled to the site and visited the memorial. I was truly touched by how well it was done, and how at peace the grounds made me feel. My hope is that it has the same affect on the families of the victims.
Above is a picture I took that day. This message was written by searchers and rescuers the day of the blast. I thought it said it all.
William Jefferson Clinton offered these words of comfort in a speech just four days after the tragedy: "But for so many of you they were also neighbors and friends. You saw them at church or the PTA meetings, at the civic clubs, at the ball park. You know them in ways that all the rest of America could not. And to all the members of the families here present who have suffered loss, though we share your grief, your pain is unimaginable, and we know that. We cannot undo it. That is God's work."

Amen, Bill. Amen...


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