Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hi, Again

Shit storms are extremely indiscriminate...

Thank you.

If you said anything. And thank you if you said nothing. My blogging friends mean the world to me; truth be told, they always will. OK, so here is what happen - the order is as irrelevant as is my current disdain for life...

Moose looses his job (fuck)
Dad's sister (Aunt Geraldine - Ger) dies
Mom has full-blown emphysema
I am still a clueless observer

OK, fuck again. I am not a whiner, but can these people get a fucking break? I was a Pall Bearer at my Aunt's funeral. Honored.

Going to sleep. Fuck it.

I love you all, and really, thanks for the prodding to get me back (sort of).

Song of the day: In the Lap of the Gods, by Queen