Sunday, April 30, 2006

"The" Shrine

Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

30,000 Feet and Coming Down Again

My view from an airplane landing in Bahamas...

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...I found at the top right of random right pages in the dictionary.

Potation (I kid you not)
Granddame *
Cross fire
Meiosis *
Yule log
Muskellunge *

I didn’t know the ones with an asterisk (damnit!).

Thursday, April 27, 2006


A language all their own...

As I further contemplate the events happening in my best friend's life right now - moving, new job, new imbibing philosophy, etc. - I cannot help but get sidetracked once in awhile by the inane. Specifically, this morning, I was thinking about all the words and phrases we use that mean either nothing to anyone else, or some meaning altogether different. I thought I would share some for old time sake. Sorry, no definitions!

The Lous
Baseball Cap
Speedy the Pancake Maker
Kenny Lee
Beacon Boy
Young C...
Your Boy
The Cave
Bob Sarastien

I, literally, could go on for hours. Anyway, the man is moving on and I am sure that our vocabulary will continue to grow and grow...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Of Disasters, Natural and Otherwise

Another anniversary...

I'm not sure why, but I have been very in tune to anniversaries of bad things lately. I remember Oklahoma City to the day and the most recent hit me on the subway yesterday. I was thinking of oil prices, energy costs and things related to that, and all of the sudden I remembered that Chernobyl happened in late April. "Could it be today?" I asked myself, because that would be weird. Turns out it was not yesterday, BUT 20 years TODAY. Really wacky.

So, while I'm here, some thoughts on this devastating disaster. The reactor explodes and sends radioactive fallout over a large part of the then Soviet Union - now Ukraine. I read a while back that people left their homes, possessions, pets and everything behind, hoping that they would one day be able to return to their lives. There is also apparently a kindergarten that is essentially "frozen in time". Dolls and toys left untouched for 20 years. No, people were not allowed back to towns like Pripyat, where many Chernobyl workers lived. It is a widely held belief that those type of towns will not be inhabitable for centuries. Centuries...

Two thoughts enter my mind now. First, as devastating and tragic as Katrina was here in the US, the area is not contaminated. It will take a great deal of time and money to bring it back to life, but this is America, the land of the impossible dream. A levee system like the one in Holland and we're set. I firmly believe that there will be a full population in that area long before the end of even this century.

Second, we need to explore all alternative energy sources. Make no mistake, the earth will run dry of oil one day. I am really not sure where I stand on the whole nuclear energy debate, but if we are smart enough to split an atom and contain the massive energy, we should be able to make it safe enough so that Chernobyl did not happen in vain.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Despair Meets Hope

Written in support of a friend...

Sitting in silence, thoughts they swirl
Can she retrieve that happy girl?

Her life is dancing, fast and reckless
Has she become so truly feckless?

Too many questions invade sore mind
Her left arm given for one true sign

This time it brings pain, and with it fear
That life will never again be clear

But overcome this moment for sure
By closing one, she opens new doors

Her courage surely shields her heart
Oh please tomorrow, a brand new start

Good luck, young lass, your journey long
In days come soon, in your heart songs…

Monday, April 24, 2006

What a Kid

She is an angel, to be sure...

I had my daughter this weekend and I feel like the luckiest man in the world. She is so beautiful and intelligent, it makes me sure there is a supreme being. She received High Honors in school for the first time...all As and A+s.

I will miss her this week, but she is coming over for a hamburger on Wednesday night. Man, have I got it all or what?!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Gateway

The St. Louis Arch from my hotel room last year [August 2005]...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

We All Have Our Crosses to Bear

Largest cross in America; just outside Amarillo, Texas on Route 40...

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...I find extremely sexy in a woman! The order is, of course, as random as my thoughts.

Thong underwear peaking from jeans

Silver jewelry; especially, rings on girls thumbs, toe rings, anklets, thick bangles and chokers

High heels


Taking naughty photos

Small, wire-rimmed glasses

Black boots with laces and/or buckles

Belly rings



Drinking my beer

Well-placed, interesting tattoos

Nails in my back

Wearing my shirts

Understanding my Playboy subscription

Not needing me

Needing me

Old-school hair bands


Body surfing in said bikini


Dirty talk in bed

A tan

Any knowledge of Star Trek

Experimental cooking

Leaving me alone

Smothering me

Invitations to shower

Good grammar

A twin sister

Oral proficiency (yes, that’s right)

Singing my favorite song

Driving me home

Shooting pool

Making me laugh, gutturally

Knowing the capitol cities of the United States

A gentle erotic rub at a formal dinner

Wet T-shirt contests


Daily use of engagement rings

A poem for me

Impeccable overall grooming

Sinister planning

Eating raw fish

Ability to throw a Whiffle® ball correctly

Real smiles

Finding my money

Digging the Yankees

A sincere desire for more

My girlfriend, Karen Lyn

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Objects in the Rear View Mirror

I will miss these days...

Did you ever have one of those moments when you just know you're at the end of something really significant? In life, I think it happens a couple of times and when it occurs, you find yourself temporarily below the bottom of the abyss. For me personally, I remember a few very well.

First was my graduation from grammar school. It wasn't really the school part as much as the athletic part. We were a very successful basketball team. Our final year we had a record of 39-1 (in grammar school)! I feared moving to the next level and not being the god I had become.

The second was high school. Here again, I wasn't going to miss school, but I was (for the first time in my life, literally) going to be away from my very best friends. These people knew where all the warts were and loved me anyway. I feared the real world contained no such characters.

The last one I'll bore you with is a job I had. It was with a company named Reliance. I met some of the greatest people there. We were almost like a family. Even though the company went bust and staying would have been career suicide, it was still tough to walk out that door and leave that group forever. Turns out that I see some of them to this day, but as I feared, it's not the same.

Well, yesterday was the newest in a long line of those moments. As I sat with my best friend, something in my mind clicked and I thought, "suddenly, it's real." My best friend is moving on. This is a good thing, and I am very happy for, and proud of, him. I am certain he is doing the right thing and that the success that awaits him is limitless. My feelings are strange on many levels. First, for some reason I am having a harder time with this than when I moved 3,000 miles away to California. Then, I somehow knew we would always be the same, this time, not so much. As much as I hate to admit it, I think it has something to do with my buddy's other big decision to scale back on his alcohol consumption. That was always our strongest bond. Sure, we had music and golf and the beach and shows like the West Wing, but those were always shared with some very impressive drinking by us both. Again, I think he is making the right decision and I will support it as best I can, but I cannot help feeling that the end of something big is near.

I love you man, but I fucking hate ends...

Who knows, maybe they are "closer than they are".

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Sad Reminder

Terror has many, many faces...

Today is the 11th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Last year, I traveled to the site and visited the memorial. I was truly touched by how well it was done, and how at peace the grounds made me feel. My hope is that it has the same affect on the families of the victims.
Above is a picture I took that day. This message was written by searchers and rescuers the day of the blast. I thought it said it all.
William Jefferson Clinton offered these words of comfort in a speech just four days after the tragedy: "But for so many of you they were also neighbors and friends. You saw them at church or the PTA meetings, at the civic clubs, at the ball park. You know them in ways that all the rest of America could not. And to all the members of the families here present who have suffered loss, though we share your grief, your pain is unimaginable, and we know that. We cannot undo it. That is God's work."

Amen, Bill. Amen...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Place to Catch a Sunrise or Sunset

A deck, a comfy chair and a beer...

Living near the water is my favorite thing. My current abode has a deck on the second floor that overlooks the water. Last night I purchased the perfect deck furniture to be delivered next Monday. I cannot wait to relax in the warming spring and summer breezes, with friends and nice cocktail. I am also quite keen on sharing breakfast with my daughter at said location.

Perhaps when/if my camera gets fixed (don't ask) I'll share some pictures of the sun and water.

One last thing: change is a'coming to the White House. My guess is that it will be nearly huge...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up

A long couple of days...

I probably couldn't be much more tired than I am right now. It feels like I got hit by a truck, got back up, and then a train ran me over. Let's play weekend wrap-up in an attempt to see where all this pain is from.

OK, weekend started for me on Thursday night. Got home from work, packed and went to my girlfriend's parents house. Her brother was coming home from S. Carolina for the weekend, so we wanted to get together. Turns out that I played golf on Friday, but I'll get to that later. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the sweet sight of a case of BLs. I immediately partook in several. Next thing I knew we were drunk-dialing pizza places at 11:00 with no luck. With a lack of pizza, we went to Plan B - which was the frozen appetizer route - pizza bagels and mozzarella sticks. A bunch more beers and to bed by 1:30 AM.

Our Friday tee-off time was 9:04 AM. Needed a shower bad, so I got up at 7:30. Not enough sleep for sure. The shower did help, however, and we were on our way. The course was in town, so we were there in 15 minutes. I was looking forward to a relaxing round of golf with my sooner-or-later-to-be brother-in-law, but that did not come to pass. That's right, I rode with the father. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but he is not the sanest golfer I know. Two bad shots in a row and his clubs become WMDs. You guessed it, two bad shots on 1 and 2. Next stop for the driver? Cart path. After a few holes he got stuff sorted out and actually played nice with everyone.

So as not to keep you in any further suspense, I will reveal my score now. Drum roll please, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum..90! That's right 90!! Ok, the course was not super long, and there was very little water, but come on, a 90!!! Things were working like they used to. Solid drives - 250 consistently. Tight irons, lots of greens in 2 or 3 shots. And a decent day with the wand. One of my favorite accomplishments was also ball for the entire round. Moving on, I would only add that yes, there was some beer involved. 6 BLs for the round. That's actually the second round this year that I played to that number (of beers). I like it.

With our golfing done - and me victorious - we headed home for some lobster claws and BLs. For dinner, we made homemade pizza. It was great, except that aforementioned father sent two of the pies off the stone and into the back of the oven. Pies were salvageable, but the fire that ensued was interesting. No damage and dinner was complete. My girlfriend - Karen Lyn - and me went home that evening to see our really cool cat - Sushi. Karen had drank 2 bottle of wine during the dinner fiasco, so she was "tired" when we got home. After a nightcap, she called it a day. I did not. I stayed up to watch really stupid TV for two more hours with my friend BL. After the True Hollywood Story of Olivia Newton-John, I was done. Sleep came quickly and deeply.

Saturday was an adventure. It began innocently enough with KL and me packing our winter clothes and setting out our summer clothes. For KL, this was extremely enjoyable given that fact that she has essentially a brand new wardrobe. Anyway, we get that done and notice that is very nice weather. What should we do? OK, let's check out the webcam for the Tiki Bar - packed! (FYI, we are Platinum members at the Tiki) Let's roll. We get dressed and we're ordering beers by 2:30 PM, not bad. After some clams, pulled pork, a chicken wrap, some very interesting conversation, and a number of MLs, we were ready for home. The plan was to get a movie and some sub sandwiches for a quite night. Halfway home, the movie was out and a trip to an old favorite bar was in. More BLs. We did get the sandwiches, but halfway home decided pizza was another option. So there you have it, pizza and beer and finally, much later, bed.

Sunday was Easter. I was woken up the best way possible (wink, wink). After that and a shower we hit mass to say hi to God. We were picking up my daughter afterwards to hunt for Easter eggs and stuff. She looked so beautiful in her dress and sandals and shawl. I love her to pieces. Anyway, we had a great time for a few hours. We dropped her off at her grandma's house at 1:00 and hit the road to our first of two Easter visits. It was fun. Great food, cold MLs, lots of laughs and a few games of Washers. I'll explain Washers some other time. Ok, on the move again. At 5:30 we hit the road for our second visit. Once again, very fun. More good food, BLs and even a fire pit outside. After a few more hours of family bonding, it was time to head home. KL is pursuing her Masters and had a test to take (She got a 92!). Winded down with a few more BLs and some laundry. Then, with little fanfare, went to sleep.

There you have it, my weekend. For anyone that actually made it to the end of this post I say this: Get a life! Kidding. Well, at least now I know why I feel like a human punching bag today...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Memory

My daughter's first complete sentence EVER...

"Happy Easter, Daddy." It still gives me chills!

So anyway, "Happy Easter, World."

Saturday, April 15, 2006

No Words Needed

Catalina Island, California at day break...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Coolest Flowers Ever

Catalina Island, California... Botanical gardens rock!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dam, I'm Good

This is Parker Dam in Lake Havasu, Arizona. I love dams...

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What is going on?

My first guest blogger is my girlfriend Karen Lyn. Her thoughts from this evening articulated below:

Hello everyone...

One thing I would like to say is; DON'T drink while watching American Idol. I know that you are thinking how pathetic, but please hear me out. My boyfriend's daughter, who is 9, LOVES American Idol and each week we have a huge discussion about who got kicked off and who should stay. So, needless to say, I was sucked in. But tonight, the families of these "stars" spoke so highly of them, it brought tears to my eyes. Granted I did drink some, but it was an exciting show to watch. Pick dorky. But she is really an unbelievable singer. She rocks - even though she is NOT the brightest bulb. Speaking of which....

Well I had a disruption because someone, not mentioning any names, wanted to critique my writing. By any means, I am not a great writer, nor will I ever be. I will always be the person who "has great ideas, but doesn't know how to express them". I guess I can deal with that. At least I have ideas, right?! Well where does this leave me now? I did enroll in an MBA program to further my education(better my writing skills)and to become a manager in the near future. I have improved my writing skills, but it still won't be good enough for others. That's probably why I prefer not to have a blog. I am so sick of people telling me that I have great ideas/suggestions, but if I could put them in writing with detail it would be even better. Well folks, that 's not going to happen because I am who I am. So, this could be my last blog. My advise: enjoy life to the fullest and make the best out of it no matter what, regardless if you can write or not!

I did not read Karen's post while she was composing it, and we made a deal that I would not edit it at all. My sincere hope is that my guest blogger will be back...

Death, and Life

It truly is a circle...

So, I went to a funeral this morning. The person was close to me and I know the entire family very well. That said, I was able to relate to all the emotions of the funeral-going family; anger, loss, sadness, disbelief and - dare I say - relief. It is tough to admit the last one because we don't want to sound callous, but since I lost my own father to cancer in 1997, I guess I can speak with some degree of experience. I was actually relieved when my father died because he was finally out of pain. I'm sure that emotion is within each of those family members today, and I hope it does not make them feel less than human. I wish them all a spot of happiness today, and more in the weeks and months ahead.

As luck would have it, while walking to my car, I overhead a women say to a small child, "Happy Birthday". I smiled and realized that the circle of life is not a is as real as death, and even stronger.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Bad Dreams

Sleeping is an adventure...

I have always had some degree of bad dreams. You know, the kind that wake you up frightened to be wherever you are? At this point in my life, I would actually welcome one of those dreams. Lately - the last 4 weeks or so - I have been dreaming from the time I close my blue eyes, until I rise from my bed at 6:00 AM with my new red eyes. And these are not just dreams of clouds and shit, these are the maniacal type with long lost loves, dead people, fire and monkeys.

It's interesting to think of this now, but the dreams really started when I went to see my physician. Now that may not seem like anything big, but I have not seen a doctor for 4 years. I guess maybe this turning 40 thing and coming to terms with my own mortality is weighing on me. Or, it could be the large Egg Drop & Won ton soup I ate at 11:00 PM.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted, and I'll even recount a dream or two if they are funky enough.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Of Boots and Pumps...

My favorite conundrum...

Today is a nice day. The weather is in the 60s and the sun is shining. My dilemma is this:

I cannot decide which I prefer; women in boots, or women in high heels (AKA pumps). I have this argument in my head once in the fall - when the weather begins to get chilly and the girls begin to wear black boots on a consistent basis, and again in the spring - when the weather begins to get warmer and the girls begin to wear high heels again. Oh, the maddening incivility of it all.

OK, let's be honest, this is absolutely unsolvable. I can only be glad that I have this problem in the first place. Of to the streets of NYC for more torture!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Golf Thoughts

So, I really love golf...

Since you don't know me yet, that may be news. Anyway, I used to play a lot of golf. Six or seven years ago I was pretty good; shooting in the low 90s consistently, and dropping into the 80s occasionally. Then came the drought. There were some years between then and now that I played a measly one time per year. Sorry, that just ain't right. So last year, while living in sunny California (oh, you didn't know that? OK, we'll get to that story later), I recommitted myself to the game. I even took my annual golfing trip to Myrtle Beach with JAH and played several times with my cronies from work. I began to play at a level that wasn't embarrassing. Then I moved back to New Jersey...

NJ is great, but it's not conducive to a year-round golf lifestyle (well with the snow and freezing cold and all). But if you start preparing in the late winter, you have 6 solid months of golf. That's what I did. I began swinging the clubs regularly and began a fairly intense stretching regimen. In February, I scored a trip to Florida and played two rounds of golf. Must say, I played pretty well. It's interesting how in golf, you can play well and still have a crappy score. I came back and continued the practicing. Waiting for the next round to see that Florida was no fluke...

Well, JAH and I got out last Friday. A perfect day! We hit balls for about 45 minutes and played as a twosome. In golf, playing as a twosome is really a treat, since the golf clubs (owners, not the sticks) would rather see 4 persons play together. It wasn't too crowded, so a twosome worked. Long story made short, I shot a 101. I had some pars and even two birdies putts - missed of course. Looks like I will be playing again Friday, then the week after. I'll post those scores and my thoughts of how I actually played.

I love golf. Oh, the Masters is a great tournament...Couples...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Stolen Stuff

I stole this from Ethel, but I'm certain I changed all the answers...

I am: most decidedly not completely unhappy.
I miss: my dad.
I want: world peace (no, really).
I have: 2 tattoos.
I loathe: apathy.
I fear: bird flu (no, really).
I play: hard.
I hear: a lot of background noise.
I care: too little sometimes.
I smile: mostly to myself.
I wonder: constantly.
I poke: fun, when I can.
I love: Erin Victoria.
I mess: up my finances.
I ache: for complete happiness.
I think: therefore, I am.
I always: sing.
I am not: to be taken seriously.
I sing: off key.
I cry: hard, when I do.
I talk: about politics a lot.
I spill: all the spices when I cook.
I wish: wishes actually came true.
I keep: a note that says “I love you daddy” in my wallet.
I am not always: smart.
I can: drink beer like a beer-drinking fish.
I can’t: think of anything to type here.
I write: very well for a knuckle-head.
I win: less than I used to.
I lose: my temper too easily.
I smell: the beach when I am truly happy.
I confuse: further and farther.
I need: very little.
I should: be nice today.

goodnight, elizabeth...

Friday, April 07, 2006

An Old Poem

Hello world!

I wish to join the ranks of all you clever Bloggers. I will attempt to maintain this space regularly and with the type of content that makes a visit worthwhile. I hope you like to read my stuff. But if not, I understand and wish you well.

For my first post, I have gone back to a poem that I wrote a few years ago. From time to time I'll post more poems, but this is surely not a poem-a-day site.

Anyway, awayyyyyy we go...


In the long silence of the night,
I think of your body, mind and soul.

Can you ever know the extent of my want?
That you alone I long to hold?

When morning breaks, I lay alone.
Two souls apart the sunshine greets.

My utopia on the horizon,
Yet never does my desire meet.

The heart inside me feels pain today; we are separate,
Oh, to see your face.

There is happiness out there,
Please know that you've showed me the place.

This day too has ended, distance unbearable.
All my wealth to have you near.

It's not to be, and never will.
With but myself, I walk in fear...