Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June, Already?

Where did five months go...?

As I sit here on the cusp of June, I realize that most of the things I wanted to get done this year are largely not. OK, you heard it here first, tomorrow is the day I moved to action. First up, dedication to a formal workout schedule.

I'll keep you posted. Enjoy the final day of May...

Song of the day: Sister Golden Hair, by America

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I Hate Weed Wackers

There ought to be a law...

So I'm hanging out, on my deck. Nothing new here, but I am disturbed and I'm not sure why. Let's run through the checklist; sun...check, comfy chair...check, music...check, beer...double check, peace and quiet...fuck no! There must be 20 goddamn weed wackers going. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, snip, hit a rock, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Shut the things off!! Jeez...

Song of the day: The Sounds of Silence, by Simon & Garfunkel

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Madness

It always the unplanned parties that rock...

Innocuously enough, I invited my cousin to stop by my house on his way to the bar. I was actually supposed to go to the bar with him, but I was a mess from the festivities the night before, and was finding it difficult to focus on much more the my deck chair and my beer. Moments after speaking to Casey - my cousin - my brother-in-law calls and says he's coming over and I can't stop him. Problem, BIG problem.

Before they arrive, my girlfriend - Karen Lyn - asks me if I want to go see the beach. Head hurts, so sun and salt water will do me good - I go. Upon arriving back at the house, my two guests are perched on the deck, drinking Coronas and listening to my iPod. Next to them is 50 Littleneck clams that will soon be on the grill. This is going to get ugly.

I won't bore you with the details, but in summation, the party went all day and night. My sister, two nephews and another friend would show up before all was said and done. Many beers were drank, clams were eaten and sunburn was gotten.

I love summer...

Song of the day: Every Time I Look at You, by Kiss

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Sun

The tattoo of the sun on my back...

Song of the day: Rain King, by Counting Crows

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Man on Fire

Me, by the firepit at my daughter's 10th birthday party...

Song of the day: I'm on Fire, by Bruce Springsteen

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...Make Summer in "the NJ" better than Winter

Sand between my toes
A distinct lack of snow
An open Tiki Bar
Half naked women in public
Open sunroof
Beach smells
Bicycle rides
Flip flops
Body surfing
The boardwalk
Memories of a summer long gone
Flag Day

Happy Memorial Day, friends! I am outtie!!

Song of the day: Remember (Walking in the Sand), by Aerosmith

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Adventures in Grilling

A man and his lighter fluid are not to be messed with...

So I bought a charcoal grill this spring. I had previously used propane, but it was time to go "old school". The weather has been really crappy, with rain and coldness, so I have only used the grill three times. One of those times was last night and man, did I nail it!

The menu was simple brilliance; corn on the cob, chicken breast and London broil. I also made sauteed spinach, but that has nothing to do with the grilling experience here. The chicken breast was marinated all day in a Worcestershire sauce. And the London broil in an red wine and oil & vinegar sauce. Yummy. I do not boil my corn; rather, I wrap it in foil and cook it solely on the grill. Double yummy.

Anyway, the point here is that I have mastered the art of the charcoal brickette pyramid to start the blaze. Generous squirts of lighter fluid make for an even, consistent burn. After a 30 wait, I disperse the brickettes along the bottom rack. Ten more minutes and it's time for the food. The key to grilling the chicken is to flip it periodically. This is an absolute no no for meat. So I need to have the patience of a saint, but the eye of a hawk. When conditions are perfect, flip the meat for the only time. Last night, a bull's eye!

As I set the London broil aside (you should do this fro 5 to 10 minutes before you eat), the red juices began to seep. "This could be good", I said knowingly to myself. Upon slicing said beef, I was proven right. Oh the beauty of it. And the taste!

Not sure why I told you that, but whatever...Golf tomorrow!

Song of the day: Ba Bump, by Black Eyed Peas

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Beer & Me

I knew it all the time...

You Are Bud Light

You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it.
In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk!
You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar.
You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience.

Not much more needs to be said. Actually, taking the quiz made me thirsty. I'm going to have a few right now. See you tomorrow.

BTW - I'm playing golf on Friday and getting drunk all weekend at the Tiki Bar. Tuesday will certainly be a disaster...

Song of the day: Here Comes My Girl, by Tom Petty

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New Adventures of Old Jeremiah

Not as good as the old adventures...

Last night, I watched TV. I do that sometimes. Anyway, I watched the show with the ex-Seinfeld lady. It's a pretty good show and it makes me laugh. Part of the reason that I enjoy it is that I can relate. I am divorced, and in the early stages, my ex and I spent a lot of time together. We exchanged birthday and Christmas presents, etc. Jesus, for my daughter's fifth birthday, we all took a trip to Disney World. Scary!

The thing about the show that cracks me up is that the ex-husband meets a girl (considerably younger) with the same name, Christine. I had a similar, not exact, experience with a girl I dated for a time after my divorce. Here's the deal: My ex's first name has six letters, so did new girlfriend. Ex's middle name; Marie, same as new girlfriend. Ex's last name ended in "nski", new girlfriend's did too. Ex born in Brooklyn, NY, same as new girlfriend. Ex is a Taurus, same as new girlfriend. And the kicker, ex's birthday is May 9th. You guessed it, same as new girlfriend!

Well, things didn't work out any better for new girlfriend and we parted ways years ago. I have since found true love. She has actually guest-blogged on this site before. She is younger than me, but we are good for each other. Best part is, she has nothing in common with ex...

Song of the day: Ours, by Sugar Ray

Monday, May 22, 2006

My First Day in The New World Order

This sucks...

So here we are. Some of my recent posts (here and here) have been about my friend (best friend) JAH leaving his job in NY city to pursue another career path. This new path is taking him to Long Island - Garden City to be exact. Now Garden City to mid-town Manhattan can be done in 30 minutes via train, but that is hardly the point. The point is that he and I spent a lot of time together. He taught me so much. Our meetings after work were legendary. I will miss them, and him, dearly.

I sit here today at my desk feeling different and empty. I will be fine, of course, but I am taking my one day grace period to be a sissy and mourn the loss of my playmate. I'm going to get to work now and keep myself busy until the dreaded lunch hour. What will I do? Where will I go? Is it possible that I am actually a bit scared?

Jeez, I am a knucklehead...

Song of the day: I Don't Like Mondays, by Boomtown Rats

Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Goat Sit-In

At the Los Angeles Zoo, Burbank, CA...

Song of the day: Bad Day, by Daniel Powter (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Angels Around Us

The ceiling of a gazebo, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic...

Song of the day: Bad Day, by Fuel (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Friday, May 19, 2006

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...I dig today

Short shorts
A firm hand shake

Unusually, no hole for myself
Two birdies in row (for the 1st time ever)
Appreciation of my prose

Song of the day: "The Pastoral" 6th Symphony, by Beethoven (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I had another one of those nights...

As I have blogged before, I am prone to crazy dreams that keep me up at night. They are kind of fun at the time, because their entertainment value is usually very high. Problem is, I am dead tired in the morning. It is that kind of morning today. Bring on the coffee!

Anyway, back to the dream. Generally speaking, I am the main character in my dreams. Last night however, I was upstaged by my loving cat, Sushi. The basic premise of the dream was that Sushi was lost (or hiding). The search for her took me to some exotic and weird places; and I met some interesting people as well.

The journey started mundanely enough in my house; which is small so the search was brief - futile, but brief. Walk out the door and I find myself at my Grandmother's house. Seeing her was a treat, since she has been dead for 2 years. Anyway, I go into the basement (which I loathe) to search for the very important feline. Well, of course, she is not there. But it was a treat to see my Dad, since he's been dead for almost 10 years. He looks good.

Exiting the scary basement door should have left me in the small city-type backyard. Do you think I got that lucky? No. I was now in the living room of my grade school friend, Bob Maxwell - Max. There was a grade school party going on, of course, but no one seemed to recognize the 40 year old lunatic from the future looking for his cat. Well I recognized them, including Debbie Fallon, the beautiful and elegant 13 year old Debbie Fallon. After a short, but inspirational make-out session, I got back to the business of pet detective. Sushi was not here either. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

Out Max's side door should have led me to the basketball court in the driveway. Chances of that happening - exactly 0%. No, I was now in a hotel in Boston, MA. I used to go there for business and once was accompanied by an incredible woman that I truly believe was my soul mate. Let's call her Diane. I haven't seen Diane in a while, but she's still smokin'. Evidently I looked OK too based upon the greeting kiss I received. Imagine her surprise when we ran into her brother at the pool. He, too, looked great. Especially if you consider he has been dead for 15 years. Anyway, the cat did not travel to Boston either, so the search had to continue. Since this was my f-ing dream, I wanted Diane to come with me. Sadly, as it happened in real life, she just faded away.

Leaving the front of the Hilton should have been a cab stand. Survey cab stand! Just a cemetery. I thought this was a weird thing because all the people in the cemeteries seemed to be walking the earth again. Anyway, it was the grave of a dearly departed ex-girlfriend from high school. I wanted so bad to see her, but she never pulled the Houdini like the rest of the zombies. I waited a few minutes, then sat, then slept. I awoke to a curious moisture on my cheek. Yep, you guessed it, I was in bed with the cat. I really need to get a life...

Song of the day: Vera, by Pink Floyd (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


My solemn place...

Did you ever find a spot that just feels right every time? Well I have. It's a bar in New York City - Pennsylvania Station to be exact. I do not know why, but I love going there. It makes very little sense that a place with such a transient clientele would give me a warm and fuzzy feeling each time, but it does.

I think there are a couple of factors that I can point to, but I truly believe that the allure is somehow beyond reasonable thought. That is, OK, religious. Yes, religious. I know, "Jeremiah you are a blasphemous knucklehead!" But sincerely, I feel almost holy when I am in the cathedral that is Tracks.

I mean, look at the "facts":

Alter: 2nd longest wooden bar in Manhattan
Preist: Caroline (and Susan, but she's a story for another day)
Eucharist: Bud Light
Hymns: An awesome jukebox
Confessional: See above (Caroline)
Word of the Lord: Would you like two more Bud Lights?

OK, I'm going to hell. I'll meet you there...

Song of the day: Walk a Thin Line, by Fleetwood Mac (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

An Obligation To Do Right

Sometimes, you just have to have faith...

Merriam-Webster Online defines conscience as follows:

1a: the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good

We can only hope that our President is acting within the framework of his. Last night, President Bush said a number of things, and I generally agreed with most. But what struck me again about this man is that he truly seems to believe what he is saying. To be sure, this President has his detractors, and the polls have not been good to him. But when he speaks the way he did last evening, I cannot help but have hope for this great nation.

It is the first morning in a while that I feel proud of the Leader of the United States of America. Just thought I'd mention that.

Song of the day: Kid Gloves, by Rush (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Let's Hope Tuesday is Better

All sorts of bad stuff today...

  • It's Monday
  • It's raining
  • It's cold
  • I had blood drawn
  • It's Monday
  • West Wing is really over
  • No playmates for lunch
  • I have a sore throat
  • Friday golf is in jeopardy
  • Major TV conflict tonight

That is all. See you tomorrow...

Song of the day: Bodhisattva, by Steely Dan (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A West Coast Perspective

The sun also sets - in California...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Body is NOT a Temple

But this is one cool church in Santa Fe, NM...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Photo Challenge

OK, there is one thing you need to know: I cannot let any challenge go by without an effort. Not to say that I ever win, or even come close to winning, but fuck if I don't try. Here are my 5 entries for the inaugural "Ethel Picture Whatever". Since I suck at all things bloggish, the pictures will come first and their descriptions are below. Sorry. Well, not really. My theme for the week is stuff in New York City (where I work each day). So, again, whatever...

  1. Wild = The way the moon looks when I am half drunk on the ferry coming home
  2. Lonely = How I feel waiting for my ferry, staring at three of the most impressive structures of our time
  3. Yellow = Yes, cabs. Bonus points for; the school bus, umbrella and the dude in the rain coat
  4. Power = Where trillions of dollars are played with each day
  5. Speed = The wind, and its impact on the greatest symbol of freedom and civility

I'm done. Is there a prize or something for last place?

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...I am passionate about (randomly, of course)

The West Wing (TV)
My Playboy subscription
Whiffle® Ball
My iPod
Jimmy Buffett
Columbo (TV)
My daughter
My bicycle
Karen Lyn (the GF)
My blog
The Wall Street Journal
Children’s smiles
Work (90% of the time)
My family (knuckleheads that they are)
Ocean swimming
September 11th
Missing California
US history
Good sex
Bow ties
Illusions (book)
Our troops, and their safety
Good grammar
Sun glasses
Silver jewelry
Silk ties
Abraham Lincoln
Mourning my Dad
Building anything

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Day the World Changed Forever

Probably not what you think...

You see, today is my daughter's birthday. I write about her and me alot, so I don't need to make a big deal about her today. I do think; however, some stuff should be said. As I thought about what I might blog about, one thought kept creeping back. It turns out that I have created an inordinate amount of nicknames for this 10 year old person. So, in the spirit of community, I will share them with you today:

Nut Job
Jo Mama
Cindy or Debbie
Blue Eyes
Swing Junkie
Low Ears
Freckle Foot
Smartie Pants
Video Head
Yatzee Queen
Sleeping Beauty
Idol Addict
Skinny Butt
Love of My Life

Happy birthday, Erin. The world is better because you are here!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Strange Poem I Wrote

The Girl

Standing in the room alone,
I wait for her to enter.

Never been so scared before,
my world has lost its center.

The reasons for my visit here,
are mine and mine to keep.

Perhaps her touch, and gentle voice,
will pull me from the deep.

Tick tock I hear so faintly,
as if a distant echo.

Time is marching briskly,
thinking maybe I'll just let go.

The door swings slowly, shadows grow,
eyes so full of giving.

A hug, a kiss, our hands together,
I can now continue living...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some "Old" Writings About My Daughter

Beautiful and smart...

...and can she dance. Arms flail and legs kick. Faces turn red and the room suffers from cataclysmic response. But hey, it’s just dancing, right? Erin’s dancing resembles (in many ways) a rain dance which prolongs a drought. The kid has the rhythm of a steamroller. I am her mentor. The concept of moving your body to music is lost on me. Music is to be savored, right? Not unlike a fine wine or a succulent flower. Truth is, I dance like the robot from “Lost in Space”. So this Erin kid is all that and more.

She exudes the light of a million rainbows and resonates with the sound of every vast echo known to mankind. I love her. No, I worship her. Her eyes are portals to the place I long to be. She brings me there each morning that she wakes me up by prying my eyes apart with her delicate fingers. Her soft morning breath, how sweet it is, on my aging face. Our noses separated by mere centimeters. The blueness of her cornea astonishes me and transports me beside her to the wonderland of her. “Helllooo”, she says with a chortle. I am awake (and alive)!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Got Snails?

I am sure I have mentioned these two things before; 1) I have a beautiful daughter, Erin and 2) I live at the beach. Well, if I haven't, then there you have it. Anyway, I love it when those two things get together. You see, I am divorced, and share joint custody of Erin with the ex. What that translates to is that I have her every other weekend for the entire weekend. She has her own room at the house and enjoys the beach as much as I do. With the weather getting marginally better (I am still not 100% pleased with the temperature), we will spend a great deal of our weekends on the sand.

So this weekend we took of on an adventure. You see, there are basically four types of beach visits:
  1. The Sun Worshiper - all you need is a chair, a book and an iPod (and a cooler of Bud Light)
  2. The Swimmer - all you need is your most comfortable bathing suit and some stamina (and a cooler of Bud Light)
  3. The Adventure - all you need is a shovel, a pail, a large net, a small net and a small, curious child (with the child in tow, the BL becomes optional equipment)
  4. The Beach Day (A combination of all the above) - all you need is EVERYTHING!

Where was I? Oh yes, the adventure. With our expedition gear at the ready, we combed the beach for all things "oceanic". I guess if we were looking for one thing more than any other, it would be fish. We want to catch a fish or two and put them in a tank in the house. As it turns out; however, no fish would be found. But you can always count on the great shoreline to provide something truly amazing - Saturday was no exception.

As we waded in the water, we saw underfoot a million little, black rocks. After a few minutes, my companion scooped up a bunch in the little net. As we sifted them, we realized that they were not rocks at all, but little snails. They were all alive and some were as big as dimes, others quarters. Having come up empty with the fish, we decided to keep 2 of the bigger, healthy ones as "pets". We scooped some sand, added a nice rock for climbing and provided some fresh sea kelp. The container is a little small, but should work for now. On the deck later that night, Erin named them Bob and Jim. She informed me that Jim was the more "active" of the two snails, so I can tell them apart when she is not there.

There you have it, I have "got snails"...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Cat

My cat, Sushi, taking a snooze on the sill...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Table for Four

My new patio set, on my old deck (there's actually 2 more chairs)...

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood

Things that...

...Ethel is to this world

Humor (coy as it is)
Intelligence (fairly obvious)
Grammar (impeccable)
Pictures (and their clever little titles)
Format changes (by democracy…NOT!)
The mystique of Ethel vs. Amy (how will it end, a la “The Truman Show”)
The “Dude” chronicles (true like? No, I’m thinking the other “L”)
Links to other cool blogs (my new friends)
General Kickassness (Sirius Radio)
Inspirational workout stories (loved “Skinny Bitches” & “No Legs Guy”)
Audioblogs (such a Chicago accent)
Harry Connick Jr. references (I agree)
Pictures (OK, said it twice, they’re that good)
Dropping 30 (probably really pretty pounds)
Giving my blog a “read” once in a while

Happy Birthday, Amy. You are a treasure…

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Movies In My Sleep

Not very rested, but happy to be here...

A while ago, I posted about having some trouble getting a good night's sleep (Bad Dreams). I promised that if I had a really funky one, I would share. Well, last night I had a doozy.

It began innocuously enough, me alone in my car - a Kia Sorento by the way. So anyway, I'm driving down the Garden State Parkway (in NJ), heading to the beach for the day. Again, things are great, sun is out, tunes are is good. In the blink of an eye however, everything goes to hell. Sitting next to me screaming is Susan Lucci (the soap star). Turns out she lost her Emmy, again. She begged me to drive here to California to see her agent. I, of course, acquiesced.

Upon arriving in Burbank, CA (which takes just a nanosecond in dream time), we were greeted by her agent. Imagine my surprise when her agent turns out to be my ex-wife. Things are now reeling out of control. Not only does my ex still hate me and blame me for all things wrong in the world, she has convinced Erica Kane (aka Ms. Lucci) that I am the reason for her crushing defeat at the Daytime Emmys (I never found out who did win, damnit!). Now wielding weapons, the two lunatics chase me to the lot of the studio. Now I have lived in California, and visited the studios, and this is not what they look like. The environment was that of a cave from Batman.

So I guess I make a wrong/right turn somehow, and end up on the set of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. Don't get me wrong, I love the two chicks in that movie, and love the movie itself too. My problem now is; however, the car they are pulling form the lake is mine. Turns out I killed the bad dude. Back on the run I go. Next set got it, Baywatch.

Now I never watched Baywatch, per se, but I've been seen listening to music TO Baywatch - wink, wink. Back to my plight. Turns out that Hobie is missing and I know where he might be. I must have fallen into the wrong season because there was no sign of Pamela Anderson. I am pleasantly surprised; however, to see my all-time favorite lifeguard Nicole Eggert (aka Summer). She was great in Charles in Charge too, but I digress. OK, so Hobie's under the pier (OF COURSE) and we bring him safely home to his Dad, Michael Knight, no, Mitch.

Rather than the Baywatch theme, the music playing is the very familiar Shakira song, Hips Don't Lie. Interesting. As the characters begin to fade away, the sun shines in my face and I am home, in bed, safe and sound. A quick feel for bodily damage tells me that I am unscathed. So I get up to greet what will probably, in comparison, be a pretty dull Thursday...

Please don't forget that tomorrow is the feature "The Friday 5, 15 or 50...Depends on My Mood ", which is all the buzz with the kiddies nowadays! There may even be a little birthday something for our friend, Ethel...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Holiday in Spain

"Got a bottle of tequila, and a bottle of gin"...

Easily one of the greatest songs ever. Not sure exactly what it's about, but I'm fairly certain it's not good. I take a lot of "holidays". Never been to Spain, but I can confirm that the singer's destination has also been mine many, many times. Last night was a a bit of a holiday. Shit, a new song on the "pod", Unwell - M20. Pretty soon they'll come to get me...

OK, enough fun. My Aunt Geraldine (Gerry for short) is taking her last samples of earth's air and I will miss her. Crap, new song - Home Sweet Home - the Crue. Hey, Aunt Ger, "just set me free" sounds good to me. Say hi to my Dad, your Dad, your Mom, etc. Safe trip...

Jeremiah (aka Jerry)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Isn't It Cold For May 2nd?

A perpetual chill sucks...

I demand warm, or hot, weather NOW! Maybe living in California did thin my blood; however, I have been freezing for the past few weeks. I seem to recall the beginning of May being the "start" of summer. This year, I am disappointed...and cold.

Anyway, enough bitching, hand me the sun block (an SPF 8 is fine).

Oh, by the way, still playing good golf...

Monday, May 01, 2006

A Short Poem About Being Enamored

Green Canvas

Why does she smile, why does she laugh?
Has she perfected such a craft?

Her eyes shine bright, so green and lucid.
Like September school, and she the new kid.

But what is this that makes her glow?
To cause her unbridled joy to show.

Oh look across the way, it dances.
Sunlight on green summer canvas…