Thursday, May 18, 2006


I had another one of those nights...

As I have blogged before, I am prone to crazy dreams that keep me up at night. They are kind of fun at the time, because their entertainment value is usually very high. Problem is, I am dead tired in the morning. It is that kind of morning today. Bring on the coffee!

Anyway, back to the dream. Generally speaking, I am the main character in my dreams. Last night however, I was upstaged by my loving cat, Sushi. The basic premise of the dream was that Sushi was lost (or hiding). The search for her took me to some exotic and weird places; and I met some interesting people as well.

The journey started mundanely enough in my house; which is small so the search was brief - futile, but brief. Walk out the door and I find myself at my Grandmother's house. Seeing her was a treat, since she has been dead for 2 years. Anyway, I go into the basement (which I loathe) to search for the very important feline. Well, of course, she is not there. But it was a treat to see my Dad, since he's been dead for almost 10 years. He looks good.

Exiting the scary basement door should have left me in the small city-type backyard. Do you think I got that lucky? No. I was now in the living room of my grade school friend, Bob Maxwell - Max. There was a grade school party going on, of course, but no one seemed to recognize the 40 year old lunatic from the future looking for his cat. Well I recognized them, including Debbie Fallon, the beautiful and elegant 13 year old Debbie Fallon. After a short, but inspirational make-out session, I got back to the business of pet detective. Sushi was not here either. Could have knocked me over with a feather.

Out Max's side door should have led me to the basketball court in the driveway. Chances of that happening - exactly 0%. No, I was now in a hotel in Boston, MA. I used to go there for business and once was accompanied by an incredible woman that I truly believe was my soul mate. Let's call her Diane. I haven't seen Diane in a while, but she's still smokin'. Evidently I looked OK too based upon the greeting kiss I received. Imagine her surprise when we ran into her brother at the pool. He, too, looked great. Especially if you consider he has been dead for 15 years. Anyway, the cat did not travel to Boston either, so the search had to continue. Since this was my f-ing dream, I wanted Diane to come with me. Sadly, as it happened in real life, she just faded away.

Leaving the front of the Hilton should have been a cab stand. Survey cab stand! Just a cemetery. I thought this was a weird thing because all the people in the cemeteries seemed to be walking the earth again. Anyway, it was the grave of a dearly departed ex-girlfriend from high school. I wanted so bad to see her, but she never pulled the Houdini like the rest of the zombies. I waited a few minutes, then sat, then slept. I awoke to a curious moisture on my cheek. Yep, you guessed it, I was in bed with the cat. I really need to get a life...

Song of the day: Vera, by Pink Floyd (idea stolen unabashedly from Megan)


Blogger Megan said...

I liked what you said about Diane:

"Sadly, as it happened in real life, she just faded away."

That's a lovely line of prose right there, my friend.

Here's hoping the two of us get some sleep tonight.

10:05 PM EDT  
Blogger Jeremiah said...

No dreams tonight, OK kiddies? Sorry for the delay, I've been golfing my ball...

6:26 PM EDT  

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